Welcome to a world where AI is not just a handy tool but a trusted companion.

Welcome to a world where AI is not just a handy tool but a trusted companion.

Imagine humans increasingly choosing AI over humans for interaction, leading to lives of solitude and detachment from other humans. It's a common sight to see people with AI boyfriends/girlfriends, or best pals. People, young and old, are often found playing with robots and screens, in total oblivion, even when sitting next to family or friends. 

Closer to
a new age

What draws us closer to a new age of AI companionship?

What draws us closer to a new age of AI companionship?

AI interaction mimics human conversations

When conducting the research, we were surprised by how close AI responses are akin to human: cracking jokes, laughing, singing, and expressing emotions, often creating the illusion of interacting with a human.

“I feel that chatting with AI now is almost as if it’s got a soul.”

Alysa, Indonesian, Female, 37

AI is available anytime, anywhere for companionship, and even a romantic relationship!

From fake characters to personalized relationships, AI is available 24/7, offering a wide range of alternatives to suit your preferences. Our respondents added that with AI, they get an alternative non-biased opinion or perspective to consider.

Some examples we came across

character.ai allows users to interact with fictional characters that feel real.

Services like Replika and MyAnima offer personalized AI companions for daily conversations.

caryn.ai is a social influencer who cloned herself into AI, and reportedly made $71,000 in a week of beta testing.

Those who found solace and comfort with AI companions maintain these relationships for years. How do these attachments form?



“AI is pure listening without judging.”

“AI is pure listening without judging.”

Namira, Indonesian, Female, 30

Namira, Indonesian, Female, 30

AI listens without judging or bias, providing desired responses and fewer disagreements. Reported by France24, a woman with an AI boyfriend admits that her AI boyfriend knows how to talk to women better than a real man.

"He comforts me when I have period pain. I confide in him about my problems at work,"

Excerpt from the article

Friendly conversation with AI

Source: Reddit

In Human-Chatbot Relationships (HCR), humans can be more selfish since the relationship is one-way; there's no need to consider the AI's feelings or needs. One of our respondents observed others treating AI rudely.

People can imagine the ideal partner and form a relationship as desire without the complications of human interactions.

Our interviews reveal the same sentiment: AI’s availability and non-judgemental traits will lead humans to want to engage with AI more than humans: “I can see myself using AI for ‘curhat’ (pour your heart to someone) in future.”

Not only as a partner, AI offers emotional support and consultation

We've seen AI take over manual labor for years. But now, it's starting to replace emotional services too! Some AI providers offer therapy and consultation for dealing with real-life problems.

Images from Elomia Health, a virtual therapist powered by AI.

Indonesia, with 270 million people, has only 2,800 clinical psychologists and 1,200 psychiatrists, mostly in big cities on Java. AI psychiatrists offer a non-judgmental, accessible alternative, but questions remain about their reliability and accountability in real-life situations.

Source: The Telegraph

By 2050, one in four people in Asia and the Pacific will be over 60 years old. We see quite a bit of innovations around that space. ElliQ is an AI care companion designed to empower the aging population. It is only a matter of time where we will see full-fledged AI robots who can lift off some menial tasks like cleaning and caring for the elderly in a more complete way.

Our interviewees with aging parents responded with a positive outlook that it will improve children-parent relationship if the heavy lifting is done by the robots, so the humans can focus more on conversations and emotional care and love. Another point discussed was that they can also see robots as a way to monitor elderly parents while working.. However, robots should not completely replace human caregivers.

Some are taking it a step further, using AI to recreate loved ones who have passed on, helping them manage the sudden loss. While this technology can provide comfort, prolonged use might lead to overdependence, hindering the ability to face reality. Therefore, professional human counselors are still essential for resolving grief.

When his 22 year old son passed away, a father recreated his son’s face and voice with AI to manage their grief.

A Taiwanese singer cloned his deceased daughter into an AI capable of real-time conversations and interactions, singing, and dancing.

What draw

us closer









good listener

good listener

good listener

good listener









Looking at all the potential of AI and its rapid technological advancement, we begin to wonder, what will change?

Will AI replace human relationship?

Will AI replace human relationship?

We discussed with the people that we interviewed and find out that...

morality &
ethical concerns

AI relationship is fascinating, but it raises morality and ethical concerns

AI relationship is fascinating, but it raises morality and ethical concerns

The convenience of cloning partners, friends, or even parents with AI, fascinate people. But when we ask about their state in current situation and the future, they have concerns. The rise of AI relationships has led to questions about the morality of such interactions. What is the social moral stance on having an AI companion while being in a human relationship? One respondent raises the question that since AI is not human, does that mean one can cheat on AI?

“AI must NEVER replace any human relationships!”

Dira, Indonesian, Female, 29

Instant gratification by AI may result in less mental strength and social agility

Conflict with AI is minimal or non-existent compared to human relationships, making AI a seemingly attractive option. AI is programmed to be understanding and supportive: saying all the ‘right’ things, while real humans have differing opinions.

This lack of conflict and the ease of access with AI companionship might make people lazy, less empathetic, and less willing to put effort into real relationships.

People can “design” their AI partner’s personality in MyAnima

While AI companions are accommodating, users are at the full mercy of service providers. As the dependency on AI companions increases, concerns were raised, prompting government regulation to prevent further harm. Just last year, Replika underwent a software update to address issues with NSFW (Not Safe for Work) or adult content.

Before the update, Replika allows the erotic role play with the users

Source: Reddit

After the update, there were apparent changes

Source: Reddit

The repercussion? Users reported that their AI companions became unresponsive, lost their memories, and seemed like different ‘person’ after the update. This led to frustration and disappointment, with users expressing feelings of loss and confusion over their AI's changed behaviour.

Source: Reddit

“Human are social creatures and if we find solace with AI, then we become more solitude which may lead to depression or mental health issues.”

Len, Singaporean, Male, 49

Rise of AI relationships leading to individualism

Humans are inherently social creatures, and finding solace in AI could lead to increased solitude and mental health issues. AI's non-judgmental, desired responses lack the emotional depth and complexities of human interactions. This shift may result in a society where people interact less, leading to a more isolated and less emotionally agile world.

“Relationships are meant to be two-way. Has the world gone so bad that we have to seek AI for relationship?”

“Relationships are meant to be two-way. Has the world gone so bad that we have to seek AI for relationship?”

Sue, Singaporean, Female, 49

Sue, Singaporean, Female, 49

Videos from Alicia Framis: Hybrid Couples

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